Space Hellas S.A. (SPH)
SPH is a leading System Integrator, Value-Added Solution and Service Provider in the areas of ICT and Security for the enterprise, government and defense sectors, certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 standards. SPH is an SME (~210 employees) established in 1985 with headquarters situated in Athens, branch offices in the four biggest cities in Greece, and active presence in Cyprus and the Balkans.
The primary activities of the company include network infrastructure and data networking, telecommunication services at national and international level (a BT Alliance Partner), IT Applications and Services, Information/network security and physical security and surveillance systems.
Space Hellas participates in the project with its R&D Department, which belongs to the IT, Applications and R&D Division.
Roles in the project
- Project Coordinator
- Contribution on the management of innovation within the project
- Contribution on the dissemination and exploitation activities
- Contribution on the design and development of the data storage component and data analysis engine
- Contribution on the integration and evaluation of the working prototype through the deployment on the project infrastructure
Reference contacts
- Dr. Georgios Gardikis
- Socrates Costicoglou
- Konstantinos Tripolitis
- Spiros Pantazis