National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NCSRD)
NCSRD is the biggest research centre in applied sciences and engineering in Greece and it is a self- governing research organisation, under the supervision of the Greek Government. NCSRD consists of five Institutes spanning a broad range of activities, and of divisions responsible for administrative and technical support. Staff sums up to about 800 persons, including about 100 graduate students working towards a Ph.D. degree. It is the home of the Greek National Host and a major node in the Greek National Research and Technology Network (GR-Net).
NCSRD participates in the project through the Media Networks Laboratory (MNLab) of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT), which is actively involved in many areas of information technology and telecommunications, ranging from basic research, to goal oriented research, as well as development and application of processes.
Roles in the project
- Undertaking the development and adaptation of vNSFs, both monitoring and reacting, based on open-source software and adapt them to suit the requirements and operational specifications of the project ecosystem
- Promoting the project results to several international fora, to which it is already partecipating
Reference contacts
- Dr. Anastatios Kourtis
- Eleni Trouva
- Dr. Harilaos Koumaras